
You can use patient tasks for any kind of reminders, or things to do with the assigned date, user, or role.

  1. Open the Patient Profile and click on the Tasks menu item at the top.

  2. Click on the New Task button to create a new task.

  3. You can see all tasks grouped by status - in a queue, and already closed.

  4. A complete tasks list.

Create Task

To create a new task, click on the New Task button. In the opened window fill out the details and click on the Create Task button to confirm.

Required fields:

  • Type - a task type (tag), used for quick sorting of your tasks including follow-ups, documents, insurances, laboratory, etc;

  • **Patient - assigned automatically to the existing patient record;

  • Date - date, when the task needs to be completed.

Optional fields:

  • Patient - if empty, the task will be assigned only to a specific user, unrelated to patient treatment;

  • Assigned to - assigned user, if empty, the task will be assigned to a role selected from the field below. It is recommended to fill assigned to field, or assigned role field;

  • Assigned role - a user role - dentist, administrator, front-desk, coordinator, assistant, etc. If empty, the task can be assigned to any user in the clinic;

  • Note - any additional text comment.

Update Task

Once you added a task, you can click on it to expand the details. You can view all of the task-related data with the ability to add comments, and action buttons at the right.

Task Actions:

  • In Queue/Completed- switch task status;

  • More Actions โ€ขโ€ขโ€ข

    • Edit - edit task details, all fields that are listed in the sectionCreate Task.

    • Delete - completely remove this task from the patient records.

Last updated