
Create Appointment

To create a new appointment, click on the empty calendar slot. In the opened window fill out the details and click on the Create Appointment button to confirm.

Required fields:

  • Start/End/Duration - filled automatically by default, can be changed;

  • Room - a calendar section (room name), filled automatically by default. can be changed;

  • Provider - assigned provider (dentist);

  • Patient - select a patient record, or create a new patient record.

Optional fields:

  • Group - custom appointment type, or a reason for visit, or anything else. Can be configured with the color assignment. Configure Groups;

  • Note - any additional note can be added to the appointment, this note will be visible under the appointment details in the calendar window;

  • Additional users - assistants, coordinators, nurses, or secondary providers can be added to the appointment;

  • Room preparation - if you need extra time to prepare a room before, or after the appointment. This time is included in the total appointment duration.

Update Appointment

Once you added an appointment, you can click on it to open the details. You can modify all the appointment fields listed in the section aboveCreate Appointment.

Appointment Actions:

  • Open Patient - a full patient profile will be opened in the same window;

  • Set Status - select appointment status. If you choose no-show or canceled status, the appointment will be removed from the calendar;

  • More Actions โ€ขโ€ขโ€ข

    • Reschedule - click on this button to move the appointment into another section/date/time slot;

    • Create Invoice - a quick way to issue a new invoice from the calendar, for example, if this patient was scheduled for a general procedure, like consultation, without tooth-specific procedures;

    • Delete - completely remove this appointment from the patient records.

Appointment Comments:

You can add any additional comments to the patient appointments, it could be some internal clinic notes, for example, a cancellation reason. To create/read comments switch from the Details to Comments tab.

Delete Appointment

There are two ways to delete appointments:

  • Delete only from the calendar - use the Set Status option, this way you can see the appointment as canceled in the patient records

  • Delete completely - use More Actions > Delete to remove an appointment completely from patient records.

Last updated