
  1. Open the Patient Profile and click on the Invoices menu item at the top.

  2. Click on the New Invoice button to create a new task.

  3. You can see all invoices grouped by status - active or canceled.

  4. A complete invoices list.

  5. Invoice Actions - Add Payment, Print, Edit, and Delete.

Create Invoice

To create a new invoice, click on the New Invoice button. In the opened window fill out invoice details, add procedures, and click on the Create Invoice button to confirm.

Required fields:

  • At least 1 procedure - click on the Add Procedures button to add more procedures;

  • Create Date - a date, when the invoice is created, you can add the past date as well.

Optional fields:

  • Code - invoice code, will be assigned automatically if empty;

  • Discount - add a discount to this invoice. By default use the main patient discount;

  • Tax - add tax percent to this invoice. By default use the parameter from the settings;

  • Pay Until - due date for the invoice, will become unpaid after this date.

Create Invoice from Procedures

Update Invoice

Once you added an appointment, you can click on it to open the details.

Click on the Edit button in the Invoice Actions list. You can modify all the invoice data created aboveCreate Invoice.

Delete Invoice

Click on the Delete button in the Invoice Actions list and confirm the deletion.

Create Payment

Last updated